Fixed Layout ePUB
Outsource Fixed Layout ePUB Conversion Services
Who Needs Fixed Format ePUB?
Below is the list of content that fits perfectly into the Fixed ePUB Format
Children's books
Comics and Graphic Novels
Travel Guides
Art, Photography, and Music Books
Magazines and other periodicals
Any other book that heavily relies on graphics and design elements.
Why Choose Alpha eBook for Fixed Layout ePub Conversion?
We deliver Fixed layout conversion through eBook formats such as:
Fixed-layout ePUB3:
ePUB3 brings a much more stable foundation to the Fixed layout format. In addition to having native support for more features and functionality, ePUB3 is widely adopted across different retail platforms, including Apple, Kobo, Sony, and Google.
Fixed-layout KF8 for Amazon Kindle:
Amazon offers fixed-layout support through its KF8 format, although this format does not have as many features as its counterpart, ePUB3. Fixed-layout KF8 files work on most Amazon Kindle devices, including the Kindle Fire tablet range, Kindle Paperwhite, and most Kindle apps.
As some Kindle devices have small screens and cannot display the full content at a time, the KF8 format is most effective. It also provides a feature called region magnification for devices that do not support touchscreen zooming; hence, it allows one to double-tap and zoom a particular content area for an easy read.
Our comprehensive suite of Fixed ePUBs for Kindle is tailored to publishers, authors, institutions, and other content creators seeking to elevate their content's appeal with rich illustrations, stunning graphics, and improved readability.
We Are Capable of Converting a Variety of Input Formats, Including:
- Convert PDF to Fixed layout ePUB
- Convert Indesign to Fixed layout ePUB
- Convert Hard Copies to Fixed Layout ePUB
- Convert Word Documents to Fixed Layout ePUB
Our Fixed Format ePub Conversion Includes…
- Precise design and layout closely match your original book.
- Quality eBooks that can be distributed across channels.
- Improved readability and navigation.
- Faster turnaround times at unbeatable prices.
- An experienced team of professionals with years of experience in the domain.
Not Sure if Fixed Layout ePUB Is the Right Choice for You?
Contact us, and our experts will guide you through the best solution that meets your requirements and budget.