eBook Conversion Company

Transforming Manuscripts into Digital Masterpieces

Alpha eBook is a leading eBook formatting company with 10+ years of experience in delivering reader-friendly ePub and Kindle eBooks. Our exceptional eBook conversion and formatting services, combined with outstanding customer satisfaction, make us the preferred choice among eBook conversion companies.

Starting at US $50

eBook Conversion
Book Composing & Typesetting
eBook Conversion Company

97000+ Titles


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in 24 to 72 hrs

Professional eBook Conversion and Formatting Services

Elevate your book’s potential with our complete range of services, all conveniently available in one place:

ePub Conversion Services

eBook Conversion Services

We provide high-quality and affordable eBook conversion services to publishers and authors around the globe. Specializing in different eBook layouts, we offer all device-compatible, reflowable, and fixed layout conversions in various formats, including ePub 2.0, ePub 3.0, Amazon Kindle Compatible ePub, AZW, Smashwords, XML, PDF, and more.

eBook Formatting Services

eBook Formatting Services

We offer eBook formatting and design services focused on improving and enhancing your readers’ experience. Each book we receive gets thorough attention from a dedicated formatter who carefully reviews and formats every line of the content. We adhere to industry standards, ensuring a well-structured eBook with consistent formatting and attention to headings, images, tables, and fonts.

Book Composing and Typesetting Services

Book Composing and Typesetting Services

We know how much effort authors put into their work. However, all that hard work can go to waste if the book design doesn’t match the quality of the writing. Our book composing and typesetting services make sure the design enhances your writing, creating a seamless and visually appealing book.

Print Book to eBooks

Print Book to eBooks

We specialize in transforming your print books into eBook formats like ePub, PDF, XML, and more while preserving their essence and visual appeal. This conversion helps you reach a broader audience. We handle everything from scanning and OCR to spell-checking and proofreading to ensure a flawless conversion.

Get Universally Compatible eBooks

Whether you publish on Amazon KDP, Apple Books, Google Books, Smashwords, or IngramSpark, or need eBooks for Kindle, iPad, or Kobo, we provide universally compatible eBooks for all platforms and e-readers.

eBook chapter in various devices

Best Multilingual eBook Conversion Company

Reaching a global audience often means making your eBook available in multiple languages. At Alpha eBook, we excel in multilingual eBook conversions, ensuring your content connects with readers worldwide. Our experienced team carefully formats each eBook, preserving the integrity and quality of your original work. We process conversions in a variety of languages to meet your needs.

The girl in broken dreams chapter in multingual language
If your file exceeds 20 MB, please send it through wetransfer.com, yousendit.com or sendbigfiles.com to our email info@alphaebook.com

Curious about the cost of converting your manuscript into an eBook? Fill out the form below for a free, no-obligation quote.

Our team is here to ensure a smooth and efficient conversion process. Get started today!

Why Make Alpha eBook Your eBook Conversion Partner

Working with us is simple and worry-free. We create polished, ready-to-publish eBooks to help you succeed.

Reliable eBook Conversion Company

Chosen by Over 700 of the World’s Leading Publishers, Authors and Universities

Latest Insights on Creating Reader-Friendly eBooks

If your file exceeds 20 MB, please send it through wetransfer.com, yousendit.com or sendbigfiles.com to our email info@alphaebook.com

Your Success is Our Top Priority

Find Out Why We Are #1 Choice of Authors and Publishers

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